网件4300刷回原厂可参考以下: 4300固件,在刷我的固件后,如果需要返回原厂。直接刷回原厂固件会导致不停的重启。 因为我的openwrt固件是利用了整个nand的,后面的部分全部格式化过。 当刷回原厂后,原厂的固件检测到后面90M分区被改变,虽然这些地方没内容,但也会不稳定。 qq名为浪迹天涯的网友,经过两三天的折腾,终于找到办法,解决了刷回原厂不断重启的问题。 方法是先刷上DD固件,ssh或者telnet到路由的后台,执行如下两条命令: 1) mkfs.jffs2 -o /dev/mtdblock/3 -n -b -e 0x20000
2) mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock/3 /jffs 然后,再用ftp方式 刷回原厂,就能正常运行。 此方法仅供参考,因为我也没有测试过。 据蝈大说,之所以出现不断重启是没有5G的原因,解决了5G就会正常。 以下资料可以参考: http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/netgear/wndr43005G radioSometimes the 5G wifi interface (a separate AR9580 chip attached on PCIe) will completely disappear, because the PCIE_RC strap bit gets stuck at ‘0’. This can be checked by running “devmem 0x180600b0″ and looking at bit 6: (有时5G界面会完全消失,因为 the PCIE_RC strap bit gets stuck at ‘0’.可以用下面命令来检查, “devmem 0x180600b0″,查看bit6 - GOOD: 0x002F055A 如果显示这个是正常,显示下面的是出错。
- BAD: 0x002F051A
On OpenWRT this causes the kernel to completely ignore the PCIe interface and everything attached to it, so only the onchip 2.4GHz radio will work. On the original firmware it may cause the unit to get stuck in a reboot loop. 在op系统,会导致内核完全忽略PCI接口,所以只有2.4G正常。刷回原厂系统,会出现重启问题。 If this happens, just power the unit off for about 30 seconds. In fact it might be a good idea to power cycle the unit before OpenWRT’s initial boot. See this thread for more information. 如果出现这情况,关机30s。 可试下是tftp刷完断电。 You may need to manually add the 5G radio to /etc/config/wireless if it was not autodetected. Here is a known-good configuration: config wifi-device wlan1 option type mac80211 option channel 153 option hwmode 11na list ht_capab SHORT-GI-40 list ht_capab DSSS_CCK-40 option htmode HT40- option country US option path 'pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0'Or try this: cd /etc/configmv wireless wireless.tmpwifi detect