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How to create or update boot loader

222ba 发表于 2016-8-31 22:19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Loader upgrade process is no different from creating!
When you upgrade the boot loader on the USB stick all the current data will be overwritten!
Save the exported your values (MAC & Serial & VID & PID) before upgrading!
Requirements:[size=0.9em]For Windows
  • Open Win32DiskImager and select your image file
  • Select target USB stick (connected to you pc)
  • Push button Write and confirm warning message

  • After process complete, close Win32DiskImager,
    and open target USB stick on windows explorer.

  • Find syslinux.cfg on the target USB stick
    and edit it with any text editor, such as Notepad++
  • Change the value of the serial number and MAC address of your
LABEL Synology DSM 5.0  MENU LABEL Synology DSM 5.0  kernel /zImage ihd_num=0 netif_num=4 syno_hw_version=DS3612xs sn=B3J4N01003 mac1=00113208D63C mac2=00113208D63D vid=0x0EA0 pid=0x2168 loglevel=0 vga=0x305
sn=B3J4N01003 mac1=00113208D63C mac2=00113208D63D vid=0x0EA0 pid=0x2168


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